



Lupus Low Disease Activity State Checker


Lupus Low Disease Activity State (LLDAS)

Is your patient with SLE in a low disease activity state?

Step 1: SLEDAI 2K

Recent onset. Exclude metabolic, infectious or drug cause

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Altered ability to function in normal activity due to severe disturbance in the perception of reality. Include hallucinations, incoherence, marked loose assoications, impoverished thought content, marked illogical thinking, bizarre disorganised or catatonic behaviour. Excluded uraemia and drug causes.

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Organic brain syndrome

Altered mental function with impared orientation, memory or other intelligent function, with rapid onset fluctuating clinical features. Include clouding of consciousness with reduced capacity to focus, and inability to sustain attention to environment, plus at least two of the following: perceptual disturbance, incoherent speech, insomnia or daytime drowsiness, or increased or decreased psychomoto activity. Exclude metabolic, infectious or drug causes.

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Visual disturbance

Retinal changes of SLE include cytoid bodies, retinal haemorrhages, serous exudate or haemorrhages in the choroids or optic neuritis. Exclude hypertension, infection or drug causes.

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Cranial nerve disorder

New onset of sensory or motor neuropathy involving cranial nerves.

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Lupus headache

Severe persistent headache: may be migrainous, but must be nonresponsive to narcotic analgesia.

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New onset of cerebrovascular accident(s). Exclude arteriosclerosis.

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Ulceration, gangrene, tender finger nodules, periungual infarction, splinter haemorrhages, or biopsy/angiogram proof of vasculitis.

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More than 2 joints with pain and signs of inflammation (i.e. tenderness, swelling or effusion).

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Proximal muscle aching/weakness, associated with elevated creatine phosphokinase/adolase or electromyogram changes or a biopsy showing myositis.

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Urinary casts

Haem-granular or red blood cell casts.

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More than 5 red blood cells/high power field. Exclude stone, infection or other cause.

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More than 0.5g/24 hours. New onset or recent increase of more than 0.5g/24 hours

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More than 5 white blood cells/high power field. Exclude infection.

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New rash

New onset or recurrence of inflammatory type rash.

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New onset or recurrence of abnormal, patchy or diffuse loss of hair.

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Mucosal ulcers

New onset or recurrence of oral or nasal ulcerations.

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Pleuritic chest pain with pleural rub or effusion or pleural thickening.

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Pericardial pain with at least 1 of the following: rub, effusion or electrocardiogram confirmation.

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Low complement

Decrease in CH50, C3 or C4 below the lower limit of normal for testing laboratory.

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Increased DNA binding

More than 25% binding by Farr assay or above normal range of testing laboratory.

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More than 38℃. Exclude infectious cause.

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Less than 100,000 platelets/mm^3

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Less than 3000 white blood cell/mm^3. Exclude drug causes.

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Step 2: New features

Are there any new features of lupus disease activity compared with the previous assessment?

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Step 3: Physician Global Assessment

Physician global assesment of current lupus disease activity


Type your input data here

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Step 4: Corticosteroids

Not currently requiring prednisolone (or equivalent) OR currently taking prednisolone (or equivalent) dose ≤7.5 mg daily?

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Step 5: Maintenance theapies

Not currently requiring OR taking well tolerated standard maintenance doses of immunosuppressive drugs and approved biological agents?

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The tool is for educational use only, is not meant to be a substitute for professional advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment.


Golder V, Kandane-Rathnayake R, Huq M, Nim HT, Louthrenoo W, Luo SF, Wu YJ, Lateef A, Sockalingam S, Navarra SV, Zamora L. Lupus low disease activity state as a treatment endpoint for systemic lupus erythematosus: a prospective validation study. The Lancet Rheumatology. 2019 Oct 1;1(2):e95-102.

Franklyn K, Lau CS, Navarra SV, Louthrenoo W, Lateef A, Hamijoyo L, Wahono CS, Chen SL, Jin O, Morton S, Hoi A, Huq M, Nikpour M, Morand EF; Asia-Pacific Lupus Collaboration. Definition and initial validation of a Lupus Low Disease Activity State (LLDAS). Ann Rheum Dis. 2016 Sep;75(9):1615-21. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-207726. Epub 2015 Oct 12. PMID: 26458737.

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